Pitti Immagine Filati 83, the key international event featuring yarns for the knitting industry, was held in Florence from June 27-29, 2018. Set with a fresh and new layout featuring P.O.P. Pitti Optical Power, this 83rd edition of Pitti Filati invested on Spazio Ricerca: Authentic observatory of knitting yarn collections for fall/winter 2019/20. Pitti Immagine Filati benefitted from a special grant from the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MiSE – Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) and the Italian Trade Agency (Agenzia ICE), within the framework of the Ministry’s plans for supporting Italian trade fairs and Made in Italy. The funds were dedicated to augmenting hospitality, media relations and advertising projects.
Final figures
Pitti Filati ended in an atmosphere of shimmering vivacity, with the best global buyers eager to discover the spinning collections’ latest ideas and the upcoming trends for the next seasons. “The huge amount of work dedicated to research and the strong investment in innovation by our companies brought significant results at this edition,” says Raffaello Napoleone, CEO of Pitti Immagine, “This was demonstrated by the presence at the Fortezza of a public of designers, style bureaus and members of the trade sector: An ever more qualified target from whom we are collecting enthusiastic feedback. The new Spazio Ricerca WWW curated by Angelo Figus and Nicola Miller showed a similar response and was, according to the audience, one of the most surprising and inspiring editions of recent seasons. I should also praise the many initiatives that, over the last few days, involved our exhibitors as well as institutions working on the spinning yarns and knitwear sector.
Similarly, there was a very positive response to the first participation at the fair of Lineapelle with the research area “Today is Tomorrow.” We would also like to greet all the students of the Feel The Yarn competition with a very warm good luck for their careers and future projects!…..