Morocco’s Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita and his Cambodian counterpart Prak Sokhonn have pledged to strengthen their countries’ trade ties, although current textile trade between them is negligible. Morocco is a significant garment market, while Cambodia is a prominent garment exporter, indicating significant opportunities in the textile sector for both countries. As a result, Cambodia can explore potential opportunities in the Moroccan market by deepening trade ties.
The Foreign Ministers recently had a discussion to improve bilateral relations. According to a joint statement issued after the meeting in Rabat, the two countries agreed to organise a forum in the near future in an effort to explore business opportunities and urged business communities from both sides to boost trade and investment.
In 2022, Morocco imported apparel worth $510.828 mn, with only $5.055 mn, or 0.99 percent, coming from Cambodia, according to market report.
Turkey, China, Portugal, Spain, and Bangladesh were Morocco’s top five apparel suppliers, accounting for about 70 percent of its imports last year.
Morocco’s apparel imports increased from $4.348 mn in 2021 to $5.055 mn in 2022. However, the country’s apparel imports declined sharply in 2020 due to the pandemic, dropping to $4.878 mn. It has yet to recover fully even after two years. The imports were $8.634 mn in 2019, $5.332 mn in 2018 and $4.715 mn in 2017 as market report.