On 6 July Karl Mayer Rotal celebrated the company‘s 20th anniversary and, thus, two decades of innovations for the warp preparation industry. The first machine, a sizing machine, left the factory in 1970. Then, following a particularly eventful period, the first joint project with Karl Mayer began in 1992. Only six years later Karl Mayer Rotal was founded, marking the start of an era full of innovations and expansion. By 2017, which was a record year in the company’s history, the number of employees had risen from 23 to 103, and the turnover had grown from 2.6 mn to 65 mn euros. Today, Karl Mayer Rotal is the global market leader in sizing machines as well as in the field of indigo dyeing for denim fabrics. This Italian plant is the denim center of excellence of the Karl Mayer Group. There trendsetter solutions for the customers are developed and an own academy and development center will be established by the year 2019.
Considerable financial means are invested in the research and development of new solutions with premium quality. Besides, the company sets on Italian style, relies on its roots and on its staff. “20 years of innovation that has allowed us to take on a highly competitive market, where research and quality are the key in opening up new business channels with the help of our talented team. They are the people who have made us a world leader in our industry,” said Enzo Paoli, the Managing Director of Karl Mayer Rotal.
Therefore, as a sign of thanks, the company organised a celebration in the assembly hall in Mezzolombardo which was attended by roughly 200 guests. Not only the employees, the management, and the business partners had been invited but also some of the region’s most prominent figures including the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Dr. Ugo Rossi, the Mayor of Mezzolombardo, Christian Girardi, and Marco Giglioli of Confindustria Trento, the Employer’s Association of the Province of Trento, who came along with an award to present.
They all enjoyed the party, completed by speeches, a buffet, a presentation on technical solutions and applications as well as numerous opportunities to share memories with one another and celebrate all that has been achieved. “It was an excellent event with an incredible atmosphere,” commented Dr. Helmut Preßl, CFO and board member of Karl Mayer Rotal. He went on to say that one could clearly feel the sheer pride and enthusiasm of all the employees.