It claims that systematic child labour has been eradicated and is no longer a major concern. More than 94 per cent of workers in the 2019 cotton harvest worked freely and the systematic recruitment of students, teachers, doctors and nurses had completely stopped. In 2019, 102,000 pickers were recorded as being in forced labour during the harvest – 40 per cent fewer than in 2018. However, the involuntary recruitment of staff from state institutions, agencies and enterprises still occurs at local level.
Cotton pickers’ wages had increased in line with ILO and World Bank recommendations, but the ILO is recommending further increases and improvements in working conditions to attract more pickers.
In 2019, the majority of cotton pickers said that working conditions, including transport, food, hygiene and access to water, had improved compared to the previous year. The ILO began monitoring the cotton harvest for child labour in 2013. This work east extended to also include forced layout in 2015, as part of an agreement with the World Bank.
Uzbek civil society activists, using ILO methodology and training, carried out the third-party monitoring (TPM) for the first time in 2019. They reported that they completed their monitoring without interference.
“This year we observed several new positive developments,” said Elena Urlaeva, a human rights activist and monitor. “The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations encouraged civil society to be critical.
“We were provided with official ID badges that we could show to local officials in case we were being asked questions. This was very helpful. Another positive thing was that our human rights activist group increased. Several young people joined us this year and it is encouraging.”
Tanzila Narbaeva, Chairwoman of the Uzbek Senate, commented: “Forced labour is completely unacceptable and has no place in modern Uzbekistan. We still have work to do but we are encouraged that the reforms are showing such positive results.
“We have also recently introduced criminalisation of forced labour, which we hope will serve as an effective deterrent. We look forward to continue our cooperation with the ILO, the World Bank and civil society to further sustain progress in this area.”
Government law enforcement efforts to crackdown on forced laabour also intensified in 2019. The number of labour inspectors doubled from 200 to 400, and 1,282 forced labour cases were investigated.
Some 259 government officials, heads of organisations and managers were punished for forced labour violations during the 2019 harvest, mostly with fines, which also rose 10-fold compared to 2018.
“These reforms should be supported by the international community,” said Heinz Koller, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia.
“Responsible international investment can encourage the move away from the old, centrally planned, economic system and compliance with international labour standards. “I also commend the government and social partners for the implementation of the decent work country programme. The ILO will continue providing technical assistance in 2020 and beyond.”
The ILO report is funded by a multi-donor trust fund, established by the World Bank, with major contributions from the European Union, the United States, Switzerland and the German development agency GIZ.